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  • Margaret Walsh

Have church on Christmas

As I have scrolled through social media, I've seen a bit of a debate going about having church on Christmas. Some people are dead set, that you must, while others are dead set that you shouldn't. A few are fine either way.

The ones against it, keep talking about Christmas being a family holiday. You don't want to take pastors, other church workers, and volunteers away from their families on Christmas day. Besides, there's Christmas Eve services, right?

I never thought about not having church on Christmas day until I worked at a church that didn't do it . I grew up going. It was part of how we celebrated Christmas. We would open the gifts in our stockings, eat breakfast (including the orange in the bottom of our stocking) and then head to church. It was a lovely service of carols and readings, all relating to the birth of Christ. Had we been to Christmas Eve candlelight the night before? Yes, we had. My family even would do devotions before dinner later on that day. But can you really have to much of Christ in your CHRISTmas celebration? In terms of being away from family, isn't being in church with your family, still being with your family? And aren't we as Christians all part of God's family? Spend time with your family at church. It's just a short time in the morning (maybe an hour or slightly over). It's a beautiful time. Christ invites you to His house (church) on the celebration of His birthday, to receive His gifts (the best gifts you will get the whole day, regardless of what is under the tree or not). Take the opportunity to go.

And I wouldn't worry about your pastor and other church workers. They're in this profession, because they were called by God to give His gifts to you, they WANT you to receive God's gifts (I am making this statement based on experience and conversations. I was in church work before getting married. My husband is a pastor. And I know several other pastors and church workers).

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