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  • Margaret Walsh

A call to Christian schools

I personally believe homeschooling is the best, but I know not all can homeschool for one reason or another. So, here is a call to Christian schools (I'm especially looking at Lutheran schools because I am a Lutheran, but other Christian schools can step up too).

What makes you a Christian school? Do you have a Bible/Theology/Religion class? Good. Do you have chapel (weekly, daily, some other amount)? Good. Do you say Bible verses and prayers during your morning announcements? Good. Do you sing hymns/Christian songs as part of music class? Good.

What about the rest of the day? What about your other subjects? Is Christ the center of your school? Or is He an extra at your school? Do you teach the events of the Bible and Church history as part of history class? Do you teach any Christian literature as part of literature class (may I suggest things like The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, and On the Incarnation)? When you are teaching non-Christian literature do you look at the themes from a biblical perspective? Maybe in handwriting class some of the practice can be Bible verses, catechism sections, hymn verses, and quotes from solid Christian authors and apologists? When you study the stars in science class do you remind the students that "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork." (Psalm 19:1 ESV)? Do you remind the students of God's handiwork in the way the world works throughout all of science class? Do you study Christian art as part of your art curriculum (there's plenty of it and some of it is super beautiful)?

I'm not saying every single thing you use and do has to be Christian (there's lots of non-Christian stuff that can be a great supplement to what you do), but the Christian part should be the core of what you do, not an extra so you can put Christian or your denomination in your school's name. Yes, you have certain state standards that you have to follow, certain things you have to cover, but you don't need to make Christ the extra in order to get that done. Make Christ the center, make Christ the core! You exist to foster faith in the students. Sometimes you will fail, but at those times turn to the Lord who is forgiving (He sent Jesus to die so you can be forgiven). Then get back up and teach Christ at the core!

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