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  • Margaret Walsh

A call to parents

I have epilepsy so some of my memories are unfortunately gone. Not all of them are gone. I remember really good mac and cheese at a restaurant called Governors (several locations in the state of Maine). I remember it snowing in August in Alaska. I remember dancing in the kitchen with my little brother (not so little anymore). These are great memories.

I have some other things far more important that I remember. It's several things my parents lead in. I can remember sitting at the dinner table singing Come Thou Long Expected Jesus while the Advent candles were lit, and then hearing from Luke 1, praying, and finishing with another hymn. I remember Dad reading a devotional book called Family Walk at the same table. I remember times where due to travel we missed church but whichever parent wasn't driving would read a section of the Bible outloud (this was before internet phones and church livestreams). I remember praying before meals and before bed. I remember going to not only Sunday service, but when there were extra services (Advent/Lent midweeks, Ascension service, Epiphany service, etc...) we would be there. I remember listening to the Bible on tape during dinner. I remember my parents serving in the church and encouraging me to do the same. I could go on.

Basically what I remember is that God's Word wasn't only meant to be 2 hours a week on Sunday (church and Sunday school). It was part of everyday. It was a beautiful gift from God and it brought us closer to Him and helped us with loving our neighbor.

Parents, go ahead and show your kids the same. It might not look exactly the same as what my parents did (I'm not even sure that Family Walk book is available anymore and your church might not have all the extra services and the mealtime prayers might be different than the ones I learned and who knows what other differences), but you can still teach your children about God and His Word throughout the week! It may be a short little bit (such as mealtime prayers) or you may have a lot of time (like reading a Bible read plan and learning the catechism). Either way you are teaching your children the beauty of God's Word and God's love. Deuteronomy 6 encourages parents to teach God's Word to children when sitting, when walking along the way and at other times. You have a wonderful opportunity to share God's Word! Studies show that when parents take their kids to church and teach at home, the likelihood of the children remaining in the church is higher(there are always exceptions in both directions). You might not do it perfectly. My parents didn't and I know my husband and I will stumble in this category if the Lord gives us children. God is forgiving though. God loves you and He loves your children too(Jesus died to save you and them from sin, death, and the devil, so we definitely know this is true)! So, go and tell your children all about it!

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