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  • Margaret Walsh

Church Facebook pages

I don't know who needs to know this, but your church's Facebook page has had nothing new on it in a couple of years and the church times on it are no longer correct.

This does seem to be a problem for several church Facebook pages. Not all end up that way, but it happens all too often. Sometimes the times are kept up to date, but that's it. Sometimes the times are up to date and you get pictures from special events (church picnic, youth trip, Sunday School Christmas program, etc...) and that's it. If there's a school, you might get pictures from the school.

I want to give an idea for church Facebook pages. I'm not saying to get rid of the service times or the pictures from events/school. Definitely keep those. There's more you can do! People are constantly on social media. In the age of "smart" phones (I don't like the term smart for a phone, but that's a rant for some other time) they can be on it on their lunch break, when they are the passenger in a car, on their walks, or anywhere that the internet is available.

Turn your page into a place where they can learn more about the Lord throughout their week! If your church records the church services, post them. If your pastor records or writes devotions, post them. Post daily Bible verses (there are a ton of Facebook pages that do this that encourage you to hit share). Post one of the hymns you're going to sing next Sunday. If your church is going through a Bible reading plan or a plan where you read through the Confessions post the plan for each month. Post chunks of the catechism weekly (the latter three things I was doing for a while and have laxed on, hopefully writing this post will help me pick it up again).Post quotes from solid theologians like Luther, Lewis, Melanchthon, Augustine, Athanasius, etc. On Feast days and Saints days find articles about those days and post those. Around Trinity Sunday post the Athanasian Creed. If your church makes videos for Sunday school (whether they are the entire lesson or just a part of it) post those. Post articles from good theological sites (a really good site that I recommend is ). Post YouTube videos from strong pastors and theologians. Post, post, post. Give your parishioners and anyone else seeing your page the opportunity to know the Lord better. Every opportunity they get is good. They need Christ on Sunday morning and throughout the rest of the week too.

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