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  • Margaret Walsh

Faith books for the kiddos

Kids need the faith taught to them as much as an adults do. Bring them to church, Sunday school, and VBS for sure, but don't neglect the faith in the home. Here's a few book suggestions to read with them.

  1. The Bible: I'm talking about the actual Bible. Sure, you probably won't read the story of Jael hammering a spike into Sisera's head or Moses wife circumcising her teenage son in haste to keep the Lord from killing Moses to your three year old, but things like the creation of the world in Genesis 1 or Jesus riding through Jerusalem on a donkey, can absolutely be read straight out of the Bible to your little one.

  2. The Story Bible from CPH. When I mention the Bible above, I'm not saying to kick children's Bibles, just saying not to use them completely in place of the actual Bible. The Story Bible from CPH, tells the accounts accurately, has beautiful illustrations (something far better than the cutesy stuff you see in other kids Bibles), has certain words defined in the margins, and even has some discussion questions you can go over with your kiddos when they are ready for that. Here's a link to it:

  3. The Follow and Do series from CPH. Start teaching the Catechism early. Don't wait till 6/7/8th grade when your kids are going through confirmation. Luther meant for it to be taught to children, and the whole family. The Catechism teaches the fundamental basics of the faith. Those fundamental basics are not something to wait on. This series is six books, going through the six chief parts of the Catechism, with wonderful illustrations. Here's a link to those:

  4. Children's picture books and board books from Kloria publishing. These books put lines to hymns on each page and give beautiful illustrations. Teach your children God's truth through hymns, trust me, them singing hymns in the car that they learned while you read these books to them will be better than 18 verses of The Wheels on the Bus or something like the incorrect theology of the kiddie song "Happy all the time." Here's a link to those:

This is not an exhaustive list at all. These are just a few suggestions to get your faith building with your smaller kiddos started. I'm sure you already have a few books in mind that you grew up with or that you have come across. Teach your kids from the start. You can even read out loud when they are still in the womb. Kids need the faith, at church and at home with you.

I know, I'm a billboard for CPH and now Kloria, but hey, when something is good, something is good.

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