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  • Margaret Walsh

Faith building books for you

My last post was about books for small children to read for faith building. Here's a list for you.

  1. The Bible. I thought about calling this list "Faith building books for you, besides the Bible," but a lot of people would miss that, and wonder why I didn't mention the Bible. The Bible is God's Word. Jesus is in all of it. You need Jesus. There is no better way to get to know Him, then to read the Book that is deliberately all about Him and was inspired by the Holy Spirit.

  2. The Book of Concord. While it doesn't cover everything, everything that it does cover, it covers from a truly biblical perspective. Get deeper into topics such as communion, baptism, justification, the office of the ministry, and so much more. It also gives perspective to a lot of the theological issues of the Reformation period of church history, and therefore that period in history all together, since religion was so intertwined into the culture. So much good stuff.

  3. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. I would actually say you should start reading this with your little ones, and really should have mentioned this in my last post, but adults should read it on their own too. Honestly I would suggest reading it multiple times in ones life. The biblical imagery in these stories is so beautifully done, and even if you didn't pick up on it, the surface story is lovely. But seriously there's no way to honestly avoid the biblical imagery in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It's so beautiful.

  4. The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien: The biblical imagery is a little harder to grab than in the Chronicles of Narnia, but it is still there along with characters who embody strong biblical virtues in the surface story. Tolkien was a genius.

  5. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Good apologetics.

  6. The Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis. More biblical imagery done with genius.

  7. The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. Be confronted with the more subtle sins of life. Satan can get us in ways we don't even realize. Major eye opener.

  8. Celebrating the Saints by Will Weedon. Goes through Church year seasons (Advent, Lent, Christmas, etc...), commemorations of Church councils and documents, and saints days. Knowing Church history and the stories of what God did through the saints can be quite faith strengthening. This one is a nice devotional book.

  9. On The Incarnation by Athanasius. Why was it important for Jesus to become Man? Athanasius lays it down beautifully.

  10. Praise and Honor: Hymn Inspired Devotions. There's so much beauty in a lot of hymns to help us better understand who Christ is. This book does a great job with looking at several hymns and showing that. Another good devotional book. It was the first devotional book my husband took us through after we got married and it was great to go through.

Not an exhaustive list, but something to get you jump started. I'm a big billboard these last couple of posts, but hey, when you know something's good, you just got to share.

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