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  • Margaret Walsh

Ultimately it's all about...

A joke was once told to me that went like this: A Sunday school teacher describes a squirrel to her class. After asking the children what they think she described one little boy raises his hand and says "It sounds like a squirrel, but we're in Sunday school, so the answer must be Jesus.

A video I saw once had a little girl who isn't quite reading yet open her children's Bible to a random page and move her finger along the page repeating over and over the Name Jesus.

Yes the teacher was describing a squirrel, and it's possible the little girl was looking at a page with an Old Testament account, but both children were on to something.

Jesus should be where a Sunday School lesson gets to, no matter what account in the Bible you are going over, because ultimately, the Bible is in fact all about Jesus!

Jesus is in the very first chapter of the very first verse of the Bible. In Hebrew the word for God in Genesis 1:1 is Elohim which is a plural form. We know that there is only one God, but there is one God in three persons. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Son, is Jesus.

Jesus is prophesied in Genesis 3:15 as the One who would crush the serpent's head. He is the Offspring promised to Abraham that would bless all the nations of the earth. Joseph's life (Gen 37-50) foreshadows aspects of Jesus earthly life. Jesus is the One talking to Moses from the burning bush. Remember Balaam and the talking donkey? Balaam prophesied the star that would proclaim Christ's birth. Ruth was a several greats grandma of Jesus. Rahab who helped the spies in Jericho put a red cord in her window and was saved, Jesus red blood is what saves us. Whenever you see "Angel of the Lord" in the Old Testament, that's Jesus. He is the One from the line of David that will reign forever. He is the Son that the virgin would conceive and bear in Isaiah's prophecy. If I were to type out every place that Jesus is in the Old Testament, this would no longer be a blog post, but a book. Of course the gospels are easy as they tell us of Jesus earthly life and the epistles are all about Jesus and how He saves us.

The Holy Spirit wants you to know who your Savior is. So next time you are reading God's Word, take a good hard look. Whether you are in Leviticus or Hosea or Matthew or Revelation, you will see ultimately, it's all about Jesus and there is nothing more beautiful! It's all about the God who came down from heaven, lived a perfect life, and died for all of us sinners (being sinners separates us from God) and rose again, so that we could go to heaven and be with Him forever.

As one of my Seminary professors once said, "All theology is Christology." That my friends is a true and wonderful thing!

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